
I am a PhD Scholar at IIIT Delhi under Dr. Rajiv ratn shah as my primary advisor. I received my B.E from NSIT.
My PhD is sponsored by Microsoft reserach India under the guidance of Dr. Sunayana sitaram as my co-advisor.

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Research Interest

My current research interest are:
  1. Studying how to learn robust high-level representations using unlabelled data.
    I'm also intersted in leveraging multiple datasets to learn general representations. and,
  2. Defining what is less in "fine-tuning using less labelled data".

In my spare time, I think how can everything be defined in terms of different dimensions.
Please get in touch if you want to collaborate with me on some interesting research oppor tunities. My email ID is hemantya [at] iiitd [dot] ac [dot] in.



